Postpartum Support

I’m so excited for you, you’re about to transition from maiden to mother. Postpartum is a mix of the most beautiful yet an emotional rollercoaster when you mix in the lack of sleep and hormones while caring for your newborn. Not to mention navigating life now.

As your postpartum doula I will be by your side through your postpartum period. To guide you through the unknown that can be motherhood.
I want you to have a positive postpartum, one where you look back on this time in your life and are filled with love and joy.
Whether it is in person in Perth or virtually.

Each postpartum experience is different from one person to another. You’re getting to know a whole new version of yourself.
That can be something very beautiful.

As your doula I will provide support which is tailored to you and your family specifically.

I’ll hold space for you while we talk, a safe space for you to open up and to process anything that comes up for you.

I’ll bring nourishing meals and snacks for you and your family or cook in your own kitchen, you don’t have to worry about anything.

I’ll cuddle your baby while you shower, nap, spend time with your child/ren or just spend the time doing something just for you.

I’ll help you by doing some light errands, wash the dishes and do some light laundry-all while you put your feet up.

I’ll offer newborn guidance and support including bathing, nappy changing and more. I’m full of tips and more being a mum myself.

Each postpartum experience is so different from mother to mother.

I’ll take sure you’re supported physically, emotionally and spiritually. Postpartum an be isolating, overwhelming, lonely and very repetitive.

Having me by your side will see you having the time you need to adjust to motherhood and your new self.

Let’s create this postpartum together, one that is positive for you and your family.

Cub Package

  • 6 weeks of support

  • Postpartum planning session (Before due date)

  • 15 hours of postpartum support

  • Homemade meals and snacks

  • Text and phone support during business hours

  • Cleaning/Washing and household duties

  • Welcome gift pack

  • Your favourite hot drink at each visit

Basic package has been designed for the mother in mind who wants her support in the beginning with her cub. I will help you feel more calm, rested and organised in your postpartum period. While you will be recovering and experiencing a lot of changes mentally, physically and emotionally let me be there to guide and support you.

Motherbear package

  • 12 weeks of support

  • Postpartum planning session (Before due date)

  • 30 hours of postpartum/first year support

  • Homemade meals and snacks

  • Text and phone support during business hours

  • Cleaning/Washing and household duties

  • Your favourite hot drink at each visit

  • Ongoing email support for twelve months

A few things just for you mama:

  • Welcome gift pack

  • Motherbear breastfeeding gift box

Motherbear package is designed for the mother who wants to not only be support in the beginning of her postpartum but to also have extra care focused on herself.
In the way more virtual and in home support. This is in the form of a postpartum massage while also receiving the Motherbear gift box and a nourishing gift pack.

Whether you are based in Perth and are wanting in home support or are looking for virtual postpartum support I am here for you.

Or maybe you are based in Perth and would just like virtual support, that’s okay too! I am here for whatever your postpartum looks like for you.

The time is not to invest in yourself and your postpartum, I want to see you flourish mama!

Fill out the form below and get in contact with me about your postpartum support today.

If you require a payment plan please email
We can sort out a plan that works for you and your family.

“I contacted Emelia for a one-off postpartum visit, it’s not something that she normally did but she made it work. On the day she brought me a hot drink, looked after my bub & my eldest while I shower, she hung my laundry, played some games with my daughter, & spend time to chat with me. I loved having her to support me, would recommend her to any mums looking for postpartum support.” Rachel

“Emelia was so helpful for us in postpartum. We had her come for 10 sessions. It was so handy to have them be flexible and use them when my husband was away for FIFO and I needed it more. Every time she came looked different because I needed different support each time. We are all sad that our sessions are finished but look forward to her group support meet ups! Gigi will definitely miss cuddles with her bestie Emelia. She has been our lifesaver!” Amber

“Motherbear Postpartum has been such a guiding light for me as a new mum. Emelia Is a warm, caring, loving person who goes above and beyond to make your life better. My daughter is only a few months younger than her son and yet she is always ready for a chat when ever I need. She is also an amazing cook, my daughter and I love her lentil & vegetables pies! She is a natural mother and is open and non judgemental.. If you are considering hiring a postpartum doula , I guarantee you will not be sorry.” Megan

If you require a payment plan please email
We can sort out a plan that works for you and your family.